Creating ELT materials for your classes: An introduction, from theory to practice


El Profesorado de inglés del ISFD 97  de La Plata​ 

comparte una actividad que se llevó a cabo el pasado ​miércoles 30/08. Con el auspicio del British Council de Argentina, la especialista en creación de materiales para la enseñanza de inglés , Katherine Bilsboroughrealizó un taller :

«Creating ELT materials for your classes: An introduction, from theory to practice»

​El taller, de neto corte práctico, mostró cómo crear materiales para la clase de inglés en todos los niveles de enseñanza. 
Los destinatarios fueron los alumnos y docentes del Profesorado de inglés del ISFD Nº 97 ​, así como alumnos y docentes invitados de la UNLP y otras comunidades educativas del área.


Title: Creating ELT materials for your classes: An introduction, from theory to practice





We’ll start this session with an introduction to the theories that underpin materials writing. We’ll continue by taking a critical look at some common errors that materials writers make and seeing how we can easily avoid them. Then we’ll conclude the first part of the session by looking at a simple template  that can be used as a basis for materials in any context.


In the second part of the session participants will work in small groups to create some classroom materials, putting into practice what they learnt in the first part of the session and with guided assistance and feedback from Katherine.





Katherine has been creating ELT materials for 30 years, for her own students and for some of the top ELT Publishers. She has written more than 30 coursebooks and many online courses. She writes monthly lesson plans for the British Council/BBC website and is the author of ‘How to write Primary materials’, a training course for ELT writers.

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